The first book that EVERYONE must read before our child comes home is, There is no me Without You. It is written by Melissa Fay Greene and is an extraordinary story about an extraordinary woman and gives a small glimse into some of the issues facing Ethiopian orphans. Check it out for sure.
The next book I read was, Beneath the Lion's Gaze by Maaza Mengiste. It is a historical FICTION that takes place around the time of the revolution, the end of Haile Sellassie and the start of the ruling of the DERG in the early/mid 70s. Fascinating and hard to read- disturbing as most political upheaval books are.
Next up, a biography on the life of Dr. Rick Hodes entitled, This is a Soul: The Mission of Rick Hodes. It is written by Marilyn Berger. Amazing! This man is truly altruistic in all he does and lives in Addis Ababa (and has for many years) helping and healing those who are without others to turn to.
Last, Aaron and I watched a DVD Nova special entitled, Walk to Beautiful. It is about a fistula (obstetric complication from no childcare in complicated births) hospital also in Addis Ababa. It is hard to watch but also uplifting in the hospital and its doctors and the hope for further healthcare and focus on the issue on an international level. We do not have this problem in the USA anymore thanks to healthcare for pre and postnatal conditions. It is a major issue in Africa that leaves many women with nowhere to turn, shunned from their communities. I got it at the library (where I get all my books. :)) and it is sometimes aired on PBS.
So, that's what I've been up to. Many more on the list both about Ethiopia and International Adoption. We just completed our second training as well.
Keep those referrals coming and that list moving!
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